Renewable energies and Environmental Sustainability

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Following our commitment to a more sustainable future, at Ingecontrol we have developed a line dedicated to Renewable Energies and Environmental Sustainability, which is constantly evolving.

Currently, in collaboration with our Spin-Off, Helecho - Ciudades Naturales, we offer innovative solutions that generate a positive impact in both the environmental and social spheres.

It's time for natural cities!

With our solutions…

Our products act as thermal insulation for buildings, they create the opportunity to grow our own food and connect us with nature.

We increase green infrastructure, protect water and create well-being through artificial wetlands, urban parks, vertical gardens, sustainable urban drainage systems, green covers, permeable floors, urban gardens, among others.

Some of our solutions:

In our products, we use 100% post-consumer plastic and convert it into Green Infrastructure for Cities.

With more than 13 years of experience and more than 100,000 m2 installed, we advise and help you with what you need in order to develop your green infrastructure project, guaranteeing sustainability and stability with functional and efficient systems.